Redefining the Zero-Sum game


Zero-Sum was established when the internet revolution was moving from PC to mobile phones rapidly. We took advantage of the restricted communication environment by using innovative technologies that made optimal utilization of the existing computing resources. Basis our original development strengths, we developed several software applications for mobile phones. During that time we were focused on the BREW OS provided by Qualcomm, USA. We successfully developed applications for an MVNO in the United States as well as software development for some Japan customers, Our work in the US helped us gain valuable experience in collaborating with international partners, based out of the US, Japan and India, which has thereafter helped tremendously in helping us expand our operations globally.

With the popularization and acceptance of smartphones in Japan, we expanded our local business in Japan, by working on several projects involving the system development of car navigation applications, integration between automobiles and smart phones, and were also deeply involved in the telematics segment by constantly connecting the automobile to the Internet. More recently, we have been looking at the spread of automatic driving technologies that will become mainstream in the near future. We are already working on several latest technologies in this domain in the areas of overall system development and integration.

From our experience in working in the US market, in 2007, we established a subsidiary in India, anticipating the future growth in the Indian market that was not yet realized at that time, Using Japanese technology and local content, we offered services born from a fusion of both India and Japan. In specific, we started to provide car navigation services that utilized local maps etc, aggregation of comic applications and animation utilizing local comic content, provisioning of an Intelligent Traffic Information System (ITS) utilizing local traffic congestion information etc.,

We are deeply in gratitude for the expansion of our business to our employees, which was a result of the unwavering support received from our shareholders, clients and business partners, who understand the mission and vision of Zero-Sum. I would like to open the next page of our history by creating new markets and not just trying to garner market share in already created markets which have limited growth and more importantly not sustainable in the longer run. We thank all of you for your continued guidance and deeply appreciate the encouragement received from all our stakeholders.