Jan. 5th
Reduce in Share Capital, which amounted to 100 million yen
Jun. 27th
The Board of Corporate Auditors and the Accounting Auditor have been abolished.
Oct. 1st
[ZSITS] Started the system, to operating road ITS to the River front area of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Dec. 27th
Became a company with a Board of Corporate Auditors. A new company director and auditor were appointed
Nov. 1st
[ZS ITS] Concluded a PPP agreement, to expand ITS to the River front area of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Apr. 30th
Batu Gaiden recognized and awarded at the '5'th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival-2015'
Mar. 27th
Zero-Sum, Ltd. selected amongst TOP 300 companies in Small and Medium Enterprises by The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency under METI.
Jan. 11th
[ZS ITS] Zero-Sum ITS Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. was founded.
Nov. 28th
Zero-Sum, Ltd. Celebrated its 10 years anniversary landmark at Hotel Granvia, Kyoto
Oct. 10th
[ZS ITS] An inauguration ceremony was held, to introduce road ITS in the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Aug. 21st
[ZS ITS] Increase in third-party allotment of shares during which total capital amounted to 139,512,870 INR.
[Nihodo] "Ninja Nontu" premiered on Cartoon network , one of India's biggest television channel for Cartoons
Jul. 21st
'Lunacycle' won the m-Billionth South Asia 2014 award for 'Best App in m-Women' category
May. 30th
[ZS ITS] Zero-Sum ITS Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. was founded.
Dec. 13th
The Development project for Telematics system was started
Nov. 8th
A private contract with JICA was signed, for a project that promotes the demonstration and adoption of ITS. The project was titled "Pilot Survey for disseminating Small and Medium Enterprises Technologies for Trial Implementation of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)".
Jul. 18th
[ZS Wireless] 'coMix on - the - go' won the m-Billionth South Asia 2013 award for 'Best App in m-Entertainment' category
Jun. 7th
[Nihodo] Nihodo Media Pvt. Ltd. was founded.
Apr. 13th
'Batu Gaiden - The Return of Asi' was premiered on India's leading TV station 'Cartoon Network' by Turner Media.
Mar. 15th
Zero-Sum, Ltd. participated in India's first ever "Cool Japan" festival held in Mumbai, India exhibiting Batu Gaiden animation movie.
Feb. 22nd
[ZS Wireless] launched 'coMix on-the-go' application on Windows Phone 8
Jan. 30th
[ZS Wireless] launched 'It's NAV', a navigation application for android, in India
Jan. 9th
[ZS Wireless] launched its 'Comics Unlimited by coMix-on-the-go' digital comic store application for iPad users
Oct. 1st
[ZS Wireless] Office was relocated to Indiranagar, Bengaluru(fka,Bangalore)
Oct. 4th
Participated in "the Japan - India Urban Development Conference" by MILT in Japan and MoUD in India.
Apr. 30th
Participated in a signing ceremony, for the promotion of content and creative industrial cooperation between Japan and India Government