Zero-Sum has 2 key business domains, ITS for Automotive sector, ITS for Smart Roads and Infrastructure . The two domains work in synergy with each other with clients across several countries. We lay special emphasis on India, as we operate in two subsidiary companies in India.




At Zero-Sum, one of our key focus areas is the connectivity between smartphone and automobile and the automobile with the internet as this segment has been in the forefront of the popularization of the IoT era and we are well positioned in this segment due to innovative technologies and expertise built through years of experience in the development of smartphone applications, content development, content distribution and solutions for the automotive ITS sectors.
In automotive IoT, the communication between vehicles and roads is also fast gaining importance in anticipation of the automatic driving age which in turn has led to the emergence and prevalence of Road ITS solutions as an important segment. Communication between road and vehicle to vehicle not only has technical benefits but also forms a key component in improving the quality of life and safety of people as it provides real-time traffic congestion information, accident information, and content for in-car consumption.
Based on our experience in Japan, where we are working on some of the worlds most advanced technologies, we are also developing our overseas business which led to the launch of our operations in India in the year 2007. Since then our Indian operations has expanded into the launch of two group companies related to the business segments mentioned above.